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Fri, Aug 25, 2006
Moving North
After nearly 14 years in one place time was long overdue for a change. So I moved
from Karlsruhe
(South-West Germany, seat of both the Federal
Constitutional Court and the Federal
Court of Justice - just up and down the street where I lived) way up
north to Hamburg
(probably better known outside Germany for some places where the Beatles
got some of their very first ideas ;-)
So, if you're visiting Hamburg, drop by for a tea or a coffee and/or some rest at the Elbe beach!
And if you're looking for a software engineer, a Java developer or a Java trainer in Northern Germany (or anywhere within reasonable flight or train distance), get in touch with me :-)
Mon, Oct 10, 2005
Further Reading
Here's a list of some other blogs I read from time to time:
Tommis Java Blog
some programmers's thoughts on the Java programming language
ellioth's blog
Java, C++, Mac OS, programming, philosophy. Something for everygeek.
erik's weblog
Der Schockwellenreiter
(in German)
Die tägliche Ration Wahnsinn
Sun, Oct 09, 2005
Mittelpunkt der Welt
Last week "Element of Crime" released their new album " Mittelpunkt der Welt" (centre of the world - which is, according to the lyrics, where your feet stand). Yes, it's a German band with German lyrics, but if you ever wanted to listen to some unconventional tune, put an ear on this one :-). Ten songs for the moods of autumn.
BTW: In their early years (1985-89) they used to sing in English, but believe me, their German is better ;-)
Edited on: Mon, Oct 10, 2005 10:42
Categories: In Private, Music & Film
After so many years on the web (IIRC my first home page started over 10 years ago) I finally decided it's time to publish my own weblog :-). Don't expect daily updates, but whenever I feel there's something interesting to say about browsers, JavaScript or my favourite programming language Java, I'll post a few lines.